May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer – Ps 19:14

Today morning as I was praying, the Holy Spirit began to lead me in heart searching moments, and I was amazed at the way He prayed through me for me, especially my heart.

We have heard this saying – God does not need your ability but availability. When we talk about availability, we focus just on physical aspects like availability of our bodies and time for the Lord’s work. However, the Lord was asking me – is your heart available for me? Are your mind and thoughts available for me?

What’s the use if your body is available for the Lord’s use but not your heart and mind? What’s the use if your heart and mind are filled with your own thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions and imaginations that do not primarily give any place for being available for the Lord to fill with His own thoughts?

If our hearts and minds are not available for the Lord, we will never be able to know the deep wickedness that lies within us, and we will not get rid of sins that are hidden in the deepest parts of our being.

 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it – Proverbs 4:23

A leader at home, church, office or any other place needs to first focus on his heart primarily since all the issues of life flow from one’s heart. We may have many clever ideas in our mind to expand our ministry by keeping our bodies busy in the Lord’s work, and yet we may not look at your own hearts to check if they are available for the Lord.

If we keep our heart and mind available for the Lord, He will put His thoughts, ideas and desires in our heart. And thus, we can fulfil His will for our life. It is good for us to abstain from social media as much as possible to keep our minds available for the Lord.

The greatest deception of the devil today is feeding the minds of the people with so much information that sounds legitimate, and we read it so much on social media that our hearts and minds are no longer available for the Lord. We think our children should also be given as much information as possible without realising that their minds are being occupied without any availability for the Lord and His word.

The words of our mouth and the meditations of our hearts can be pleasing to the Lord only when both our mouth and heart are entirely available to the Lord.